1. Allison

    Walter got me one a few years ago. I had hopes that I would see my cat ride on top of it, but he merely tolerates it and would prefer it not exist. I also had the issue where it can’t find home base or it kicked its own home base in a weird way that it couldn’t get back on. We used a couple command strips to hold down the base and moved it away from the furniture and it seems to have helped. I find I have to use it while I am not at home or I will start to micromanage: “Why do you keep going to that corner?” And there are times I just take out the vacuum, which is much faster than watching it amble around. But the one benefit of having it was that it did prompt Walter to pick things up off the floor more. I can just pretend I am going to send it out and he will start picking stuff up. 😂

    This year for our 15 year anniversary and joint birthday gifts Walter got us a robot lawnmower we call Robocrop. Both of us hate mowing the lawn and it is nice to have one less chore. It also has some growing pains (like getting stuck on a slight slope between us and the neighbor’s yard) but at least so far it has stayed on our property.

    • sueboo

      A Robo-lawn mower?!! That sounds incredible. We’ll have to look into that once we experience a labor shortage…right now the three oldest girls take turns.

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