Star Wars Blue and Gold Dinner.

Okay, we’re trekking back to February here. If you couldn’t tell from the minimal amount of posting I’ve done over the past few months, it’s been busy in these parts.
One of the things I got roped into tackling almost single-handedly was the food for our Cub Scout pack’s Blue and Gold Dinner. Our cub master decided on a Star Wars theme, which we were totally down with.
I should add that I had to feed up to 80 people on a $120 budget. Including much of the paper products. Not even possible. But I was close, which, in my estimation is almost the equivalent of feeding the five thousand.
Thank heaven for Pinterest. I tweaked a couple of the ideas to suit my purposes and this is what we ended up with:

Not pictured: a giant vegetable tray with veggies arranged to look like Yoda. Great in theory but underwhelming on the delivery. It looked like Yoda for about two seconds…long before I thought to take pictures of the food.
The food got rave reviews (let’s consider for a moment, though, that the “reviewers” were mostly mothers of relatively large families who were simply grateful they didn’t have to cook dinner that night. So I’m taking their compliments with a grain of salt, to say the least.)
Either way, no one went home hungry, so I’ll call it a win.