April 2020 Singing Time Activities – Love One Another

It’s been SO long since we last met together as a Primary to sing together! I hope you’ve enjoyed the videos we’ve sent out of other children and their families singing primary songs. I also hope you’ve been able to sing a few primary songs in your own homes. I miss hearing you sing!

I know how important singing Primary songs is to our Heavenly Father for a lot of reasons, but I’ll share just two with you today:

  1. Because we get to spend SO much time at church doing it! When they changed our church schedule from 3 hours to 2 hours a couple of years ago – guess what was the only part (besides the sacrament) that didn’t get cut shorter? That’s right – Primary singing time. It’s THAT awesome.
  2. Because Primary music (and the words we sing) help us feel the Holy Ghost. Think of a time when singing a Primary song made you feel all happy and good inside.

So to make it easier on you and your parents to bring the Spirit into your homes through Primary music, I’ll be sending out a list of activities each week to help you learn the songs we have been asked to learn each month.

Parents: Go to this blog post to find some general ideas for incorporating church music into your family routine.

First watch a few of our ward Primary kids sing this week’s song, “Love One Another”

Here are a few ways you can enhance your home-centered singing time this week:

Match the phrases in the song Love One Another in this memory game:

Memory Game. Find the matching cards.
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
  • Missing description
All of the cards have been found.
Good work!
Time spent:
Card turns:
  • Reuse
  • Embed

Here’s a more challenging version (Senior Primary, I’m talking to you):

Memory Game. Find the matching cards.
  • Ye are my disciples
  • Love one another
  • Ye are my disciples
  • Love one another
  • one to another
  • As I have loved you
  • This new commandment
  • This new commandment
  • If ye have love
  • Love one another
  • If ye have love
  • one to another
  • Love one another
  • As I have loved you
  • By this shall men know
  • By this shall men know
All of the cards have been found.
Good work!
Time spent:
Card turns:
  • Reuse
  • Embed

Now let’s see if you can put the phrases in order:

If you’d like, you can sing along with this video of the entire song:

Thought questions:

Who is talking in this song?

How will people know we are Jesus Christ’s disciples? If we have what?