Young Women/Young Men Jeopardy Game
Update: A lot has changed in the youth program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since this post was written in 2017. I have updated the Jeopardy Game at the bottom of this post to reflect these changes and to include the Young Men program in the questions and answers.
I’ve been serving as the president of the Young Women organization for a couple of years now. We pulled off our third New Beginnings last week and incorporated the 2017 Mutual Theme – James 1:5-6. Our theme was, more specifically, “If Any of Ye Lack Wisdom” since the whole point of New Beginnings is to help the young women learn the basics of the program. We used a “wise old owl” to add a bit of cute factor the refreshments, invitations and decorations. Throw in a couple of speakers and top it off with the Laurel class, who put together a skit and game of Jeopardy to test everyone’s knowledge of the Young Women organization. It pretty much went off without a hitch.